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必赢网址bwi473徐丹丹教授和通讯作者岳鹏鹏副教授合作在 International Review of Financial Analysis 发表的论文《Household green consumption: Does digital inclusion matter?》于2024年9月12日入选经济与商学领域ESI热点论文。热点论文(Hot Papers)是在过去两年内发表,并且过去两个月期间,受到引用的次数是对应学术领域中最优秀的0.1%之列。International Review of Financial Analysis为ABS3期刊,北京工商大学认定的A1期刊。



岳鹏鹏,北京工商大学必赢网址bwi473副教授、硕士生导师。 International Review of Financial Analysis 副主编, Finance Research Letters 副主编, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 编委/特刊编辑, China Finance Review International 青年编委。


The rise in household consumption has raised concerns about meeting energy requirements to fulfill the demand for goods and services and the subsequent increase in carbon emissions. This study examines the relationship between digital inclusion and household energy use and carbon emissions, concluding that households with greater digital inclusion tend to have higher carbon emissions. Digital inclusion could improve the household’s consumption, leading to higher energy use and carbon emissions. We further find that digital inclusion reshapes consumption patterns and heterogeneously affects household consumption among categories, which explains how digital inclusion works on household carbon emissions. Furthermore, digital inclusion could also improve green consumption of high energy efficiency. Our findings could benefit policymakers aiming to improve digital infrastructure to achieve carbon emission targets.

