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贸经系吴优博士论文在International Review of Economics & Finance发表

202310月,贸经系青年教师吴优博士的论文Return and volatility connectedness across global ESG stock indexes: Evidence from the time-frequency domain analysisInternational Review of Economics & Finance 发表。International Review of Economics & FinanceABS 2期刊,北京工商大学认定的经济与商科ESI A3期刊。



To comprehensively investigate information transmission and risk contagion among global environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stock markets, this paper employs the TVP-VAR time and frequency connectedness approaches to analyze return and volatility connectedness across global ESG stock indexes. The dataset comprises the eleven ESG stock indexes, including both developed and developing markets, spanning from October 1, 2007 to December 31, 2021. We find a strong connectedness between these ESG stock indexes in terms of return and volatility, with the ESG stock indexes in Europe and North America exhibiting mainly outward spillovers and those in Asia Pacific and India displaying mainly inward spillovers. Moreover, return connectedness is concentrated at high frequency, while volatility connectedness is concentrated at low frequency. Both return and volatility connectedness are affected by extreme events, especially the COVID-19 pandemic. However, volatility connectedness changes more dramatically than return connectedness during the pandemic. In addition, high ESG attention leads to low return connectedness but high volatility connectedness. During the pandemic, ESG attention positively affects both return and volatility connectedness across ESG stock indexes. Lastly, portfolios with the minimum time-frequency domain return connectedness exhibit higher hedging effectiveness, while portfolios with the minimum time-frequency domain volatility connectedness generate higher cumulative returns. Overall, this paper enriches the empirical framework for ESG stock markets, provides a reference for investors to invest in the market, and helps regulators to formulate forward-looking regulations that promote financial stability.




吴优,北京工商大学必赢网址bwi473贸经系讲师,硕士生导师,期货从业人员资格考试命题组成员。博士毕业于北京航空航天大学,长期致力于金融市场研究。在Energy Economics,International Review of Economics & Finance,Finance Research Letters,《金融研究》《管理科学》等期刊发表20余篇论文。


